Neonatal Certification Review Programs

Program Objective

This 3-day course provides a comprehensive overview of either Low-Risk Neonatal or High-Risk Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing (depending on which course you choose). Whether you are a new nurse looking for a complete overview, a seasoned nurse in need of a refresher, or an experienced nurse planning to sit for a certification exam, this is the review for you!

Program Faculty

Linda Juretschke, PhD, RNC-NPT, APN/NNP-BC, CCNS-N
Founder/President, NICU Solutions, Inc.
Certified as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner, Neonatal Clinical Nurse Specialist, and in Neonatal-Pediatric Transport, with over 40 years' experience in all aspects of Neonatal Intensive Care Nursing

Program Accreditation

This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Ohio Nurses Association (OBN-001-91), an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center's Commission on Accreditation.

You must attend all three days to receive continuing education credit. Partial credit cannot be given for partial attendance at this program.

Upcoming Program Dates and Locations

Please Note: If you register for a Certification Review Program, you don't need to separately purchase a book. You will receive a book at check-in as part of your registration fee.

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